I'm Hassan Hakami
Former CTO, Knowledge Engineer, Decision Scientist
- Born 1985
- Address Lavizan - Shian, Tehran, Iran
- Email h.hakami [AT] gmail.com
- Phone +98 939 138 1364
- Current Position Consultant
- Current Company Tehran Municipality & Pouyandegan Danesh & Shahrniroo
- till March, 2016
Hello! I’m Hassan Hakami. My prominent ability is problem-solving by multi-dimensional knowledge. Managing software teams, Ideation and research are my skills. I have the ability to manage projects in need of good teamwork in uncertain environment with dynamic demands. I was coach and former member of ACM/ICPC programming contests and inside the list of top 50 programmers in Iran (topcoder.com, 2008).
Manager, consultant, architecture or developer in more than 22 industrial projects and 17 research projects
In brief, if you are looking for someone to provide technological advantage for your company, i am here for you.
My favorite Process framework: Scrum.
My favorite organization fundamental advantages: Knowledge engineering, strategic decision making.
My favorite backend technics and Sciences: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data mining (KDD), Business Intelligence (BI), Big Data, Cognitive Sciences (CS).
My favorite projects (from costumer segment viewpoint): Limitless projects those targeting public.
I am interested to be as a consultant of these roles in companies: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), Chief Agile Officer (CAO), Chief Web Officer (CWO), Chief Business Officer (CBO) in IT related companies, Chief Operating Officer (COO), and other related roles.
I am interested in joining a nonprofit board.
Professional Skills
Knowledge Engineering and Decision Sciences, Master (MSc/MA)
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Work Experience
Tehran Municipality
Knowledge Management Consultant
Tehran Beautification Organization was established 38 years ago. It is a none-government organization affiliated to Tehran Municipality and seeks to improve the quality of urban life in the Iranian capital via promoting public culture and protecting the identity of the city through innovative and technical activities.
As knowledge management consultant directly in touch with planning manager, working on implementing PMO, future studies team and documentary team.
Working with future studies group to find stable income for Tehran municipality.
Giving tips to documentary team for managing knowledge and storing data.
Member of leadership team of PMO (project management office) to deploy PMO in organization and solving problems which is in front of team.
Organization website: http://zibasazi.ir/fa/
Pouyandegan Danesh
Technical & Business Consultant of Board of Directors
Pouyandegan Danesh is a knowledge based company in IT and cognitive sciences field.
This company is a leader in cognitive sciences companies in Iran.
After resignation as CTO, working as consultant in board of directors sessions.
Giving tips to solving technical and business problems of the company.
Company website: http://pdatech.org/
Barsan Co
IT Manager
Barsan Managment Co is a part of Bonda Group holding and had grade 1 in electrical power industry.
I was IT manager as a part time job and Reporting to CEO. Managing IT and network security of company with 50+ employees in Tehran office.
Bonda group webSite: http://bondagroup.com/
Shahrniroo Co
Technical & Business Consultant of CEO
Shahrniroo Sepahan is one of most active company in Import and export of power equipment and power projects in Isfahan.
After finishing development of Ebargh.com as project manager, working as Consultant of
Giving tips to solving technical and business problems those Company facing about
Company Website: http://shahrniroo.com/
Kharazmi University
Assistant Teacher
Assistant Teacher Of These Courses:
Meta Heuristic Algorithms
Machine Learning
Fuzzy Systems
Pouyandegan Danesh
Pouyandegan Danesh is a knowledge based company in IT and cognitive sciences field.
This company is a leader in cognitive sciences companies in Iran.
AS CTO i was responsible for deploying Scrum in hole company and projects. Deploying
Tools such as MS TFS (Team Foundation Server) and MS SharePoint in Company. Getting knowledge based certificate for the company.
I was head of project managers in projects like:
Shiraz Metro OCS Design and Simulation (Electrical, Mechanical and Software project).
Cognitive Profile (Main project of company in field of cognitive science. Project website: http://cogfile.com).
Intelligent Billboard (An interactive device with custom programs using Microsoft
Sharniroo Co
Project Manager
Shahrniroo Sepahan is one of most active company in Import and export of power equipment and power projects in Isfahan.
I was project manager of eBargh.com
Using Scrum & TFS.
eBargh.com is the number one rank website for power equipment price and sale.
Gita Data Mining Research Institue
Gita Data Mining Research Institue is number one in data mining industry in Iran. CEO of this company is Prof. Jamal Shahrabi known as father of data mining in Iran.
Working on "Smart Cities" project:
Data Mining And Municipality of Tehran. This project was a research about possibilities of data mining in Tehran municipality organization.
Next Generation Academy
Next Generation Academy is an academy for IT related field.
Teaching Courses:
DNN (Dot Net Nuke)
Working with alpari.com as trader in FOREX.
HakamSoft is my brand for developing new startups.
Owner of startups like:
http://kvu.ir : Knowledge Virtual University, most active time(2010). Rocking soon!
http://irke.ir: Iran Knowledge Engineering, most active time(2012 - 2014)
http://ikdd.ir: i Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Rocking soon!
http://host4ir.ir: Web-hosting company from 2008, most active time(2008 - 2012)
http://g2s2r.ir: Greedy Generous Smart Seller Robot, Based on an university project by leadership of Prof. M. B. Menhaj.
http://backupi.ir: Providing backup storage for websites. most active time( 2010 - 2012)
http://saftebazan.ir: Consulting services for investing in Tehran securities exchange. Rocking soon!
Lots of technologies and frameworks used in these years such as:
C#, PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Moodle, Forums, Wikis, Linux Servers, TFS, Scrum, SharePoint and Project Server.
Esfahan Steel Company
Software Engineer
Esfahan Steel Company (ESCO) is the first and largest manufacturer of constructional steel products in Iran.
Reporting to production manager
working on Oracle ERP and building two program in field of salary and warehouse with ability to connect to oracle ERP.
Used technologies:
C#, ADO.net and crystal report.

Shiraz Metro OCS Simulation Team
3 Agile Teams. 17 Full time employees involved.
50+ Full Time and part time employees involved in 9 month duration of project.
Shiraz Metro OCS Simulation
This is one of Pouyandegan Danesh CO successful projects when I was CTO there. I had important role in this project with direct control and management.
IT Skills
I am crazy about computers and technology, my skills are not limited with above list.
My Skills in form of Keywords:
PHP, Java, C++, C#, Artificial Intelligence, HTML, SQL, Machine Learning, Research, Data Mining, Hadoop and MapReduce, RapidMiner, Business Intelligence, Microsoft SQL Server, Artificial Neural Networks, Expert Systems, Decision Support, Cognitive Science, Multi Agent Systems, Fuzzy Systems, Meta-heuristic Algorithms, Web Development, ASP.NET, Matlab, Knowledge Management, CSS, English, Linux Server, Server Administration, Unix Shell Scripting, VMware, E-commerce, Project Management, Network Security, Teaching, Team Management, Web Hosting, SEO, Customer Service, Public Speaking, Agile Application Development, MS TFS, Microsoft Analysis Services, OpenVZ, Linux KVM, Linux Network Administration, Network Security, E-Learning, Social Media, Microsoft Office, Photoshop.
English Skills
Honors & Awards
ACM Programming Contest
Dr. Mohammad Ghodsi – ACM/ICPC Asia Regional/Tehran Director
Asia Regional Contest
The ACM Asia Programming Contest
Cognitive Sciences And Machine Inteligence
Prof. Saeed Setayeshi, faculty of amirkabir university of technology
Artificial Neural Networks
Prof. M.Bagher Menhaj, faculty of amirkabir university of technology
Inteligent Multi-Agent Systems
Prof. Ali AkramiZaheh
Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Prof. Hessam Zand Hessami
A Simple Model for Modeling of Tehran Stock Exchange Price Index’s Dynamics
Journal of Economic Modeling Research
Providing a Fuzzy Decision Support System to Determining Insurance Premiums Based on Insured Risk Determined Using Data Mining Techniques(Case Study: Car Insurance)
M.S. Thesis
Ranking Users of Governmental Banks Using Information Delivery Model with Fuzzy AHP Method
The 5th International Conference on Banking Services Marketing
Storing Knowledge Base of an Expert System Using Data Bases
B.S. Thesis
Professional Interests
Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences, Singularity, Multi Agent Systems, Artificial Life, Machine Learning, MSF-Agile project template, Team Foundation Server, Microsoft Analysis Services AND Expert Systems.
Other Interests
- Coffee
- Swimming
- PingPong
- Investment
- Movies
- Body Building
Contact ME
- cell phone: +98 939 138 1364